You Have About 13.5 kg of Poison in Your Colon

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You Have About 13.5 kg of Poison in Your Colon, Here’s How to Get Rid of It


People draw relatively little attention to the proper functioning of the colon. Yet, it is an crucial part of the body necessary for its proper functioning and good health.

The colon, also renown as the large intestine, gets rid of water, salt, and some nutrients through stool. A colon that isn’t functioning optimally will contain some of these materials for longer, which is bad for your body.

An unhealthy colon doesn’t erupt waste as well as a healthy one. This can lead to what’s called leaky gut.

It’s guessed that it takes about 24 hours for food to complete its journey through your body, but modern eating habits, which lack essential nutrients, slow down this transit, which takes about 70 hours, resulting in you carrying around 13.5 kg of waste accumulated in your colon.

One of the most popular symptoms implying the presence of this phenomenon is constipation.


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