‘World’s d3adliest food‘

Now, we are talking about the name of food that millions of people across the world eat?

Cassava, a plant but also food, is a staple in many people’s diets as it’s eaten by 500 million people every year.

While cassava, which is orginated from South America, is a popular food and part of the staple diet for many. It can be extremely hazardous.

The roots, peel and leaves of the plant are dangerous to eat raw because they consist of toxic substances which can produce hydrogen cyanide.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) reports that cassava poisoning k*lls about 200 people a year, leading to it receiving the ‘world’s d3adliest food’ title.

“This often happens during times of famine and war. Cyanide in cassava is associated with acute cyanide poisoning and several diseases including konzo.

“Konzo is an irreversible spastic paraparesis of sudden onset, associated with the consumption of bitter cassava 22, 23 and a low protein intake. It is a disease of extreme poverty. Konzo mostly occurs in epidemics, but sporadic cases are also reported.”

Meanwhile cassava is considered as ‘world’s d3adliest food’, the number of people who eat it regularly and are fine is extremely high.

So, how can you go about being as safe as you eat cassava?

The solution is preparing the plant properly, which can involve soaking the plant for up to 24 hours. It makes cassava safe and you don’t feel afraid when eating it.

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