The trick to eliminating all bad odors from the washing machine

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The trick to eliminating all bad odors from the washing machine: you only need one kitchen product!


You might think that by running wash cycles, your washing machine must smell clean. Think again! Sometimes it happens that the latter emits strong unpleasant odors. Some even compare them to a sewer smell. Find out how to eliminate those stubborn odors emanating from your washing machine.
Whether you use a jasmine, mint, lemon or lavender scented detergent, your washing machine can sometimes smell bad. These annoying odors can spread throughout the room, regardless of whether your machine is placed in the laundry room or bathroom.

How to eliminate bad odors from the washing machine?
The bad smell that you sometimes smell when opening the washing machine is due to the accumulation of detergent and fabric softener residues in the appliance and to the formation of limescale in the pipes. There are some simple, quick and effective grandmother’s tricks to eliminate those stubborn odors.

Clean the drum of your washing machine


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