1.You want to make rice in a heavy-bottomed frying pan and have a tight-fitting glass lid. Place cooking oil in a pan with raw rice and use medium heat to toast the rice.
2.Then add the onion making sure all rice/onion is coated with oil.
3.When the rice has a toasted color, add the 1/2 can of tomato sauce; it should be sizzling by this time.
4.When the rice and tomato sauce is sizzling, add the 2 cups of water and all the spices, stirring until well mixed.
5.When the rice mixture is bubbling lower the heat to simmer. Cover with a glass lid. Cook on low heat for 15 minutes. DO NOT LIFT LID!!!
6.When the 15 minutes are completed, turn off the heat and let sit for 5 minutes.
7.Remove the lid and use a spatula to turn the rice from bottom to top. Rice is done and ready to eat!
8.As you can see the rice should be dry…not sticky (too much water), gummy (someone lifted the lid), bright red (too much tomato sauce), or almost white (too little tomato sauce). There are also no brown onions or brown rice (browned too long).