So handy! I try to do this daily

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So handy! I try to do this daily

Have you ever felt a wave of stress or tension that seems to settle right in your chest? Or maybe you’ve experienced feelings of tightness or discomfort around your collarbone area after a long day. What if there was a simple, natural way to relieve some of these sensations using just your fingertips?
According to traditional Chinese medicine and modern reflexology, there are specific points on the chest, particularly below the collarbone, that can have significant health benefits when pressed or massaged. In this article, we’ll explore these spots and how pressing them for just two minutes can lead to powerful effects.
The Magic of Acupressure
Before we dive into the specifics, it’s important to understand the foundation of this practice: acupressure. Acupressure is an ancient healing technique rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It involves applying pressure to specific points on the body, known as acupoints, to stimulate energy flow, or “Qi” (pronounced ‘chee’), throughout the body’s meridians, or energy channels. Unlike acupuncture, which uses needles, acupressure is non-invasive and can be performed easily by anyone.
By pressing or massaging these acupoints, you can help unblock stagnant energy, improve circulation, reduce stress, and alleviate various physical discomforts. It’s a natural, drug-free way to promote wellness and balance in your body.
Key Acupressure Points Below the Collarbone
Two primary acupressure points located below the collarbone are believed to be especially effective for relieving stress, tension, and even respiratory issues:
K27 (Kidney Meridian 27): This point is located just below the collarbone, in the depression near the breastbone. You can find it by placing your fingers on the inside edge of your collarbone and sliding them down about an inch.
Lung 1 (LU1) and Lung 2 (LU2): These points are slightly lower than K27 and are positioned near the outer edge of the chest, below the collarbone, and just where the arm joins the chest.
Both of these acupressure points play a significant role in regulating the body’s respiratory and emotional functions.
How to Find and Press These Points?


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