Reasons Why Sleeping in Separate Beds is Better for Couples
When you are in a relationship, this doesn’t mean you’re not entitled to your own space! Maybe the bed is the one thing you can keep to yourself. In fact, a lot of couples sleep apart and in their own beds for various reasons without it affecting their relationship at all.
If you find yourself in any of these six scenarios, it might be time you should consider sleeping in separate beds and being in separate rooms.
1. You Can’t Take the Snoring.
This is usually the top reason for many people’s choice to sleep alone. Imagine being so exhausted and still unable to sleep at night because of your snoring bedmate.
That’s the last thing you want. As per the Better Health Channel, snoring affects around 20% of the population. It can be due to factors such as sleep deprivation, fatigue, late-night drinking, or alcohol ab:u:se.
In turn, sleeping beside a snoring partner can make you not have enough sleep. You might have to come up with ways just to survive the night – move into a spare bedroom or kick them out of the bed to get some precious snooze.
2. Your Work Schedules Clash.