Nail Fungus Treatment remove

2. Snakeroot extract

Snakeroot (Ageratina pichinchensis) extract is an antifungal made from plants in the sunflower family.

An older 2008 study showed that the remedy is effective against toenail fungus as the antifungal medication ciclopirox.

For the study, snakeroot extract was applied to the affected area every third day for the first month, twice a week for the second month, and once a week for the third month.

A 2020 studyTrusted Source on people living with diabetes mellitus confirmed these findings.

3. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil, also called melaleuca, is an essential oil with antifungal and antiseptic abilities.

According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative HealthTrusted Source (NCCIH), some small-scale clinical studies showed that tea tree oil might be effective against toenail fungus.

Paint the tea tree oil directly onto the affected nail twice daily with a cotton swab.

4. Oregano oil

Oregano oil contains thymol. According to a 2016 review, thymol has antifungal and antibacterial properties.

To treat toenail fungus, apply oregano oil to the affected nail twice daily with a cotton swab. Some people use oregano oil and tea tree oil together.

Both products are potent and may cause irritation or allergic reactions. Combining them may increase this risk

5. Ozonized oils

Ozonized oils are oils like olive oil and sunflower oil that are “injected” with ozone gas.

According to research from 2020Trusted Source, this type of ozone exposure in low concentrations for a short duration can then inactivate many organisms, such as fungi, yeast, and bacteria.

6. Listerine mouthwash

Listerine mouthwash can help treat toenail fungus because it contains menthol, thymol, and eucalyptus, which have antibacterial and antifungal properties. This may be why it’s a popular folk remedy for toenail fungus.

Supporters of the treatment recommend soaking the affected foot in a basin of amber-colored Listerine for 30 minutes daily.

7. Garlic

A study from 2019Trusted Source suggests that garlic extract could have antifungal properties, but more research is needed to confirm this.

You may treat toenail fungus with garlic by placing chopped or crushed garlic cloves on the affected area for 30 minutes daily.

It may be better, and less smelly, to treat it from the inside out with garlic capsules. Take as directed by the manufacturer

8. Apple cider vinegar

Only anecdotal evidence exists supporting vinegar as a treatment for toenail fungus. There is one 2017 study on apple cider vinegar suggesting it has antimicrobial properties. That said, more research is needed on its actual effect on toenail fungus.

If you want to give vinegar a try, soak the affected foot in one part vinegar to two parts warm water for up to 20 minutes daily.

9. Probiotics

ResearchTrusted Source shows that probiotics may help prevent the growth of various fungi, which may be able to reduce the chance of an infection.

Consider eating more foods containing probiotics or taking probiotic supplements as a preventive strategy.

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