Mini Lemon Tarts


1. Mix egg and sugar until the sugar dissolves.

2. Heat lemon juice and lemon zest until warm.

3. Pour step 2 into step 1 and stir evenly.

4. Pour step 3 into a pot, heat to 82°C, sieve, then heat to 50°C, add butter (cut into small pieces), and stir until the butter dissolves.

5. Keep the prepared curd sauce sealed in the refrigerator for later use.

Cookie Tart Crust:
• 80g butter
• 50g powdered sugar
• Whole egg liquid 26g
• Low gluten flour 133g
• Almond flour 15g


1. Soften the butter in advance, add sifted powdered sugar, and mix evenly.

2. Add the egg liquid in 3 batches, stirring each time until the egg liquid is no longer visible before adding the next.

3. Sift the almond flour and stir until no dry powder particles are visible.

4. Sift the flour in advance and add it in two batches. Mix each time until no dry powder is visible before adding more.

5. Cover the batter with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight before using it the next day.

6. Roll out the dough that has been
refrigerated overnight into 3mm thin slices, use a cookie cutter to cut out discs, sprinkle with some flour, stuff them into molds, and shape them.

7. Use a knife to scrape off the excess dough, poke holes with a fork at the bottom, and bake in the middle rack of the oven at 170°C for 15 minutes.

8. Brush with egg wash, and continue baking for about 5-7 minutes.

9. Let cool after taking out of the oven. Add lemon curd sauce and refrigerate for 3 hours to set before eating.

Sweet and sour, it’s super satisfying to eat.

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