Homemade Fluffy Bread Recipe


  1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, sugar, salt, dry yeast, vegetable oil, and lukewarm milk. Stir until the mixture is well combined and forms a dough.
  2. Move the dough to a floured work surface. Knead it for roughly 10 minutes, or until it feels smooth and elastic.
  3. Shape your dough into a ball. Then, with a rolling pin, flatten it into an oval shape.
  4. Roll the dough up tight, folding in the ends as you go. Stop once you have about 4 inches of dough left unrolled.
  5. With a dough cutter, section the remaining unrolled dough into even strips, as shown in the video below.
  6. Finish the roll, making sure to securely tuck in the strips. Check the video below.
  7. Set the loaf on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Cover the loaf with a kitchen towel and let it rise for around 30 minutes, or until its size has roughly doubled.
  8. Heat your oven to 390°F (200°C).
  9. Give the loaf a generous brushing with your egg wash.
  10. Bake it in the oven for 25 minutes, or until the top turns a lovely shade of golden brown and your kitchen fills with a mouthwatering scent.
  11. Once done, take it out of the oven and allow it to cool for a bit. Your soft, fluffy, homemade bread is now ready to be devoured!


  • Use a Kitchen Scale: Weighing your ingredients, especially the flour, can lead to more consistent results. It ensures you’re using the right amount of each component for the best texture and flavor.
  • Temperature Matters: Ensure your lukewarm milk is around 110°F (43°C). Too hot can kill the yeast, and too cold won’t activate it properly. A kitchen thermometer can be handy.
  • Patience is Key: Give the dough enough time to rise. A longer rise, even up to an hour, can develop more complex flavors. Make sure it doubles in size during this step.
  • Preheat for Perfection: Ensure your oven is fully preheated before placing the bread inside. This helps achieve an even rise and a beautifully golden crust.
  • Experiment with Flavors: Don’t hesitate to experiment with different herbs, spices, or even grated cheese to infuse unique flavors into your bread.
  • Slice with a Serrated Knife: For clean, tear-free slices, use a serrated knife. This is especially useful if you’ve added nuts, seeds, or dried fruits to your bread.
  • Enjoy Fresh, But Toast Later: While this bread is delightful fresh from the oven, it also toasts beautifully. You can enjoy it warm and soft one day, and crispy and toasted the next.


  • How do I know if the dough has risen enough?
    The dough should roughly double in size during the rising process. You can also perform the “poke test” by gently pressing two fingers into the dough. If the indentation remains, it’s ready to bake.
  • Can I freeze the bread dough for later use?
    Yes, you can freeze the dough after the first rise. Shape it into a ball, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap, and store it in a freezer-safe bag. When ready to use, thaw it in the refrigerator overnight, then proceed with shaping, proofing, and baking as usual.

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