get rid of stains on the face and hands

The sun activates the pigment spots on the skin

Regardless of the underlying problem (hormones, skin damage, etc.), discoloration is caused by the sun and UV rays.

Excessive exposure to this type of light and the lack of any protection leads to more spots appearing on the body.

Only when the summer tan comes will you be able to assess the extent of the damage.

The only protection against stains is the use of creams with a high UV filter.

A recipe for reducing pigment spots

We need:

a piece of fresh ginger

1 potato

1 tsp extra virgin olive oil

1 tablespoon of rose water


Put the ginger in the freezer, wait a bit and then take it out.

Thanks to this step, it will be easier for us to peel.

Peel it and grate it on a fine grater.

Using a fine strainer, squeeze out as much juice as possible from the ginger.

Now take a potato, peel it and grate it on a fine grater, just like ginger

Potato juice is very effective in removing dead skin and lightening pigment spots.

As with the ginger, place the potatoes in a colander.

Squeeze out as much juice as possible.

Now mix the two juices and add olive oil.

Then add a spoonful of rose water.

Now mix all the ingredients well, pour into a spray bottle and spray on a cotton pad.

Then, with the help of a cotton swab, we apply this solution to the skin.

Apply to face and hands.

Leave on for 20 to 30 minutes.

Finally, apply a moisturizing cream or aloe vera gel.

If you apply this treatment 2 to 3 times a week, the results will soon be visible.

In conclusion, pigment spots on the face and hands should not deprive you of confidence and beauty.

With the natural combination of this mixture, and a properly applied method, you can achieve flawless skin without effort and risks.

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