Don’t throw those eggshells! Here’s why it’s best to keep them

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Don’t throw those eggshells! Here’s why it’s best to keep them!


If you are one of those people who enjoy eggs for breakfast and consume them often, here are some benefits the egg shells offer. Read the article below and see why you shouldn’t throw the eggshells in the trash ever again.

1. Natural Pest Deterrent


If slugs, worms, and snails are frequent visitors of your garden and munch on your flower, thus destroy the plant, eggshells may be the solution. Simply spread crushed eggshells around the plants, and you’ll see a difference shortly after. Turns out these critters are repelled by the smell of eggshells so they won’t be returning to your garden again.

2. Repels Deer


Just like with insects, eggshells also repel deer. If you happen to be residing in a wooden area, deer are frequent visitors, so using this trick may help keeping the away from your garden and your plants which they tend to destroy.

3. Bird Feed


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