Bunny Buns


For Homemade Dough

  • Preheat oven to 350℉
  • In a small mixing bowl, combine the warm milk, yeast, and 1 teaspoon of sugar. Stir and let sit for about 5 minutes.
  • In a large mixing bowl, whisk the flour, salt, and remaining sugar.
  • Add milk and yeast mixture to flour and mix on low using a dough hook.
  • Slowly add in the egg and butter.
  • Turn the power to medium and knead the dough for 5 minutes using the dough hook.
  • Place dough in a prepared bowl with non-stick spray.
  • Cover with plastic wrap and let the dough rise until it has doubled (about 1½ hours).
  • Place the dough on a flour surface.
  • Cut the dough into 12 even pieces. This is most easily done by cutting the whole thing in half. Continue to cut each piece in half until you have 12 evenly sized dough pieces.
  • Roll out each dough ball into a long rope on an oiled surface to about 10”.  Bring up both ends to form a U.
  • Leaving a small circle at the bottom of the U, overlap ends, then twist again leaving ends pinched like bunny ears. Repeat this process 6 times until you have 6 bunny forms.
  • Cut the two remaining pieces into 6 smaller pieces and roll them into balls. Add the bunny tails onto the bunny forms. Place all 6 bunnies on a baking sheet.
  • Allow the bunnies to rise again for about 20-30 minutes.
  • Bake rolls for about 15-20 minutes until golden brown. Remove bunnies and brush with butter. Enjoy!

For Pre-Made Dough

  • Preheat oven to 350℉
  • Place the dough onto a non-stick surface
  • Cut the dough into 12 even pieces. This is most easily done by cutting the whole thing in half. Continue to cut each piece in half until you have 12 evenly sized dough pieces.
  • Roll out each dough ball into a long rope on an oiled surface to about 10”.  Bring up both ends to form a U.
  • Leaving a small circle at the bottom of the U, overlap ends, then twist again leaving ends pinched like bunny ears. Repeat this process 6 times until you have 6 bunny forms.
  • Cut the two remaining pieces into 6 smaller pieces and roll them into balls. Add the bunny tails onto the bunny forms.
  • Place all 6 bunnies on a baking sheet.
  • Bake for 20-30 minutes until golden brown.
  • To make them a little sweet, brush the warm bunny buns with butter and sprinkle with a pinch of sugar! (optional)



Store rolls in an air-tight container or zip-top baggie in the refrigerator.

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