What can help clear it up?

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Feelt fullness and muffled hearing in my ears. No ENT appointment available soon. What can help clear it up?


Ear fullness and muffled hearing are common symptoms that can be caused by a variety of factors. These sensations often occur when there is an obstruction in the ear canal, such as earwax buildup, or when there is fluid in the middle ear. These symptoms can also be associated with sinus infections, allergies, or changes in air pressure. Understanding the underlying cause is crucial for effective treatment, but when an ENT appointment isn’t available soon, exploring safe home remedies and over-the-counter solutions can provide temporary relief.
Common Causes of Earwax Blockage
Earwax, or cerumen, is a natural substance produced by glands in the ear canal. It serves to protect the ear by trapping dust and debris and preventing them from reaching the eardrum. However, excessive earwax production or improper cleaning methods can lead to blockage. Common causes include using cotton swabs, which can push wax deeper into the ear canal, wearing earplugs or hearing aids, and naturally narrow ear canals. In some cases, earwax buildup can occur without any apparent reason.

Symptoms of Earwax Blockage


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