Why Should You Place Your Luggage in the Bathroom Right After Checking into a Hotel Room?
The reason is crucial don’t miss out if you don’t know 👇👇
When you check into a hotel, experts recommend putting your suitcase in the bathtub, not on the bed or luggage rack. This advice may seem strange, but it’s due to creepy-crawly bugs that can be found on surfaces like beds. The bathtub is considered a safer spot to avoid these pests while you settle in.
Why should you put your luggage in the bathtub?
We’ve got one word for you: bedbugs. Bedbugs are notorious for hitching a ride to your next destination (like your house!) on your clothes and even your bags. If you put your luggage in the bathtub of your hotel room instead of on the bed, you will ensure that those pesky pests stay far away from your personal belongings while you take the time to inspect your room.
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