5 Tricks to cook tripe without smell

We know how powerful white vinegar is when it comes to eliminating bacteria, adding half a cup of vinegar to the pot where we have the tripe will be enough to remove the smell.

Many also choose to wash the tripe and then let it soak in water and vinegar overnight. The next day they cook it directly in water, it would also be a good option to use this

Many choose to use milk, wash the tripe and then let it marinate in it before cooking. In my opinion, this does not influence the smell, it does not remove it. It just makes the meat tender and then easier to cook, but that’s all.

As you will see, there are many ways to cook odorless tripe. In any case, it would be a matter of trying the way to cook it and choosing which one you like best. The good thing is that none of the options you give you influence the flavor.

Although it is somewhat tedious to have to wait for the tripe to cook for so long, I assure you that it is worth it, be sure to try it.

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